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How To Conquer The 5 Emotional Stages Of Growing A Beard

Have you ever walked in a gathering where men salute you and women looked at you like you’re some kind of god or something?

Well, if your beard is full and properly groomed, this might sound like a normal experience to you. But if not, i am so certain your beard is as bare as your ass is.

There’s no need to worry, we will help you transform your smooth looking face into a manly beard that would make your ex re think her walking away decisions.

To increase beard size to a magnificent level, you would have to commit to the change.

The Emotional Cycle That Defines Change

This graph was connived by two psychologists Don Kelley and Darryl Connor as a path to show the hardship every individual faces when going through changes.

But as men we’re not going to give in to the emotions attached to growing a beard, that’s why we have made a list of these emotional stages and few products to help you conquer these them to make your beard journey less itchy.

Now it’s time to throw away your old products or tools and join me with the right ones as we journey into growing a beard; so if you already have a majestic beard, then you may need to skip to the tool to conquer section so you’re on the same page.

1st Stage: Sexy Stubbles

This is the daydreaming stage where you fantasize of the plenty benefits of growing a beard. On the long run do not be overexcited by the sexy stubble that is just sprouting because your will power will be tested soon enough, lol.

Tools To Conquer The 1st Stage

  1. Micro-Needle Derma Roller

  2. Hercules Brush

  3. The Genesis kit

2nd Stage: Discomfort 101

So you’ve been happy for weeks now with the stubble that has been growing on your face and now it’s that stage where your stubble goes crazy. Now your neck starts to itch, there are random redness on your cheeks and patches becomes very visible.

You now will feel the urge to dig your fingernails into your face to ease the itch.

Tools To Conquer The 2nd Stage

  1. Poseidon’s Relief Balm

  2. The Genesis kit (Starters Kit)

3rd Stage: Second Thoughts

At this stage, the discomforts has increased drastically and you see the patches on your fave and wonder if growing a beard is worth it.

Now you may fee like giving up, but do not be like those men who gave up when they experienced this. I repeat “DO NOT GIVE UP”

Tools To Conquer The 2nd Stage

  1. Poseidon’s Relief Balm

  2. The Genesis kit

  3. Hercules Brush

4th Stage: The Rainbow

The itching at this period has finally calmed down and most patches are already starting to fill in. You can now stroke your beard while you think of what to accomplish next.

Note that the work isn’t done and you need to start trimming your cheek and jawlines to give your face a proper shape. Please if you’re new to trimming you’re required to consult a professional barber to do this for you so you don’t ruin your beard.

Tools To Conquer The 2nd Stage

  1. Sharp Man Trimming kit

  2. Hercules Brush

5th Stage: The Admiration

At this stage your beard is fully grown and now you are being admired by people around. You now have to stay on top of your game by making sure to maintain your beard.

Tools To Conquer The 2nd Stage

  1. The Genesis (Ultimate Kit)

  2. Hercules Brush


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