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Beard Grooming: Beard Oil, Does Beard Oil Work? Is It Even Worth It?

If you are curious to know what beard oil is, you might as well be skeptical about what it does and if it actually works?

The first time ever i heard of it I was literally scratching my beard wondering what it was all about?

Basically one would Actually think its loaded with chemicals that would likely irritate the skin anyways.

so lets start off by knowing

What Ingredients Beard Oil is made of

Normally one of the things you think of when you hear about beard oil is that they will most likely be loaded with chemicals.

Honestly, if you went to a medicine or drug store to look at some of the detailed ingredients of the products we put on out face, you would be marveled at how you can’t pronounce some words written on it (lol).

In most cases there are 2 main ingredients involved in the making of a beard oil.

1. Carrier Oils: This particular oil makes up most of the beard oil itself (90%). So if you’re wondering what a carrier oil is. Hold still i’ll explain soon.

A carrier oil is one which has got most of all the nutrients that your beard is short of.

When you‘re growing out your beard to a long extent, no doubt you should have heard about beardruff. Once your beard gets lengthier the skin on your face would find it hard to produce enough sebium (the natural oil found on your face). So when your face lacks enough sebum, carrier oils like jojoba oil is essential to supplement it’s production.

if you are lost, and you’re wondering what a jojoba oil is, i’ll explain in a minute.

Jojoba oil is gotten from the jojoba plant which is absolutely natural.

jojoba is used in different types of premium cosmetics and shampoo. One key thing about jojoba oil is that it‘s properties are very close to the sebum oil that is naturally produced by your skin.

If you’re having a hard time choosing what kind of beard oil to use, the best bet to go for is one that is mostly comprised of jojoba oil.

2. Essential Oils: These kinds of oils adds more benefits to your skin and beard. Tea tree oils is a great example of an essential oil, with it’s antiseptic properties, it doesn’t only make your skin and beard look good but also it makes it healthy by getting rid of any acne on your skin.

Beard oils naturally have a scent that is on the manly side. There are different essential oils out there and definitely you have tons of options to choose from when it has to do with finding which to use.

Not to skip mentioning the odd side about essential oils, unlike carrier oils, they are really effective and if you have a sensitive skin you would need to be on the watch out. It’s more reason why a patch test should be done before applying on your face.

Now that takes us to the next section which is:

How You Should Apply Beard Oil?

No doubt, there is no secret way to applying a beard oil!

Just start off by pouring a dime sized amount of beard oil into the palm of your hand, then run your hands together to make sure there is an even distribution of this oil in your hand, now apply into your beard. You would have to start from the root of your hair follicle, so this way the skin underneath can get enough of the nutrients in the oil. When done make use of a beard brush, take note; use a brush instead of a comb to more evenly distribute the oil on your beard.

Does Beard Oil Have Any Effect On The Fullness & Thickness Of Your Beard?

Regular Beard oils won’t do so much when it comes to making your beard fuller or thicker, but they would make it look more healthier and a lot softer.

If you want a thicker or thicker beard then you should consider these options besides applying regular beard oils.

one of them is making use of Beardcare‘s (The Bull) beard oil, which not only makes your beard healthier but makes it grow fuller and thicker.

Another option is using minoxidil (Rogaine) which works for about 40% of men who has tried it.

The natural ways to do these is to make sure you are eating enough proteins and exercising regularly. Well, thats not all. There are some other ways to make your beard appear fuller and thicker in this post here

Can Beard Oil Cure Beardruff?

Automatically we know the answer is yes! And the reason is because as your hair increases in length the production of sebum oil by your skin reduces.

Beardruff is caused by skin flakes which occurs when the hair follicles on your beard has sucked up all the sebum oil produced by your skin.

so when you apply beard oil, you are giving back that nutrients that has been sucked up by the hair follicles.

But here’s what you should actually be doing though, Beard oil as awesome as it is, you still need to have a beard maintenance routine which involves how you should properly wash your beard and how often it should be washed. Mind you, you should be washing it with a beard wash (shampoo) and a beard conditioner as using a regular bar soap on your beards would do more damage than good.

To get rid of beardruff completely you should add beard balm along side the beard oil.

Do You Have Any More Questions About Beard Oil?

Do you have any more questions about if beard oil can help your beard?

Please be sure to drop a comment in the section below and you’d be answered as soon as possible.

Grow it all out!


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