It’s common for your facial hair to itch even if you have a beard or you’re just starting to grow one.

The itch could be mild and you might actually not even notice it, and sometimes it could be so bad that it could be distracting and all you would be thinking of is either trimming or shaving your beard off completely.
The hair on your face (Androgenic Hair) is a lot different from that on your head, meaning that it’s growth and thickness is entirely dependent on a testosterone by product called DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
Causes Of Beard Itch
Beard itch causes can range from natural to infection related reasons.
Growing out your facial hair: Shaving leaves a sharp edge on the edge of each hair inside it’s follicle, a very tiny tube that contains and shield each hair. This sharp edge when it’s trying to grow can scratch the follicle, causing it to itch.
Dry skin: Xerosis also known as dry skin occurs when the weather is dry, cold, due to generic reasons, use of certain products or due to some kind of diseases.
Ingrown hair: This happens when a shaved hair grows inside of its follicle instead of out. This inflames the follicle and makes your beard itch.
Folliculitis: This occurs when the follicle which contains your beard hair gets inflamed. It can cause bacterial, fungal or viral infections because of parasites. Inflamed hair follicle may appear red, feel tender and can be painful to touch.
Pseudofolliculitis barbae: This is the inflammation that occurs when facial hair as they grow out curves back around in your skin. It causes your face to look red, bumpy and you could develop pus filled blisters which could lead to a secondary infection.
Seborrheic dermatitis: is a skin condition that makes your skin scaly, flaky and red. It could also be called dandruff. It can occur on your face if you have oily skin.
Tinea barbae: is caused by a type fungus called dermatophyte. It usually appears red, inflamed and is similar to ringworm of the scalp.
How To Stop Or Treat Your Itchy Beard
Few itchy beard causes are minor and can be treated. Try these methods to keep your beard from itching.
At least once a day bathe or shower.
Wash your face twice a day with lukewarm water.
Wash your face with a beard wash or shampoo. (I recommend Beardcare’s The Bull Beard Wash). Do not use a shampoo meant for the hair on your head as this will dry out and damage the skin underneath your beard.
Use a beard oil daily. (I recommend Beardcare’s The Bull Beard Oil)
When you shave or trim your beard, make use of a beard balm. Avoid applying products that have harsh chemicals. (I recommend Beardcare’s The Bull Beard Balm)
Wet your skin before you shave to soften it
Use a shaving gel or cream
Shave by following the direction of which the hair grows.
Change your blades after you have used it on five to seven occasions.