Stay on top of your grooming game regardless of what season it may be. Do not be amongst the many guys that only put efforts in their grooming maintenance only when there is a hot date coming up, lol.

It doesn’t take much time to appear messy when you stop caring about how you look, so here are those common grooming mistakes that you might be making and how to switch the game to look better and attractive effortlessly everyday as a man.
1. Trimming the Neckline Above Normal.
The importance of having a well groomed beard shouldn’t be over looked. That’s more reason why grooming mistakes has to be highlighted foremost. However, most men in their first year of growing a beard make the mistake of trimming their neckline above the normal.
How full your beard will grow in and look like is determined by a properly trimmed beard neckline.
To find your neckline, do these:
Tilt your head downwards and find where the underside of your jaw meets the top of your neck. Put your finger on the crease, straighten your head, and there is where your neckline should be.
Place two fingers above your Adam’s apple and watch where the top of your fingers points. That is the bottom point of your neckline.
To undo this grooming mistake, simply just allow your hair grow back in to blend with the others.
2. Top Line Trimming.
The top lines are often cut one side lower than the other by men while trimming. It ends up worse when you try to make it look better by trimming some more.
This can happen when you realize that you have trimmed a particular side more than the other and you keep trimming to make them look the same.
It can be avoided by trimming back and forth two times with trimmer, nothing more or less.
3. Unkempt Keeping Of Your Beard and Mustache.
Keeping a long beard and mustache is great but if not properly trimmed your beard and mustache will start to look messy.
A slight cut but uniform length over your beard or mustache is enough when it comes to trimming it. You will need a good beard trimmer and a beard comb.
4. Cutting Down So Much of Your Beard.
No doubt, growing a beard can be time exhausting and takes a lot of patience. So it’s actually normal to get upset when you cut out so much hair while grooming.
Be sure to trim one part of hair at a time if you value the most part of your beard. Its ideal to take a pause and continue later if you notice that you have made this kind of mistake.
When back, try evening out your beard to make it less noticeable.
5. Allowing Your Stubble Grow Without Trimming.
Every man has a different taste when it comes to facial hairs. Some prefer to have stubble and have found a way to keep their stubble well groomed.
Stubble beard will appear sloppy if it’s Ungroomed, so if this is your go to style; make sure it is neat, trimmed and well taken care of.
6. Less Or No Application Of A Moisturizer
Imagine a plant that has never been watered, yes you guessed right; it’s never going to grow. Its applicable to growing a beard.
Without moisturizing your beard it will look dry and damaged; so incorporate a daily moisturizing routine as it would only take less than 5 minutes of your day. (I recommend Beardcare’s The Bull Beard Balm).
7. Keeping A Hairy Neck
So now that you must have made all efforts in getting a haircut and now you look so manly but you have forgotten to give your neck the same attention as your head hair and beard.
There’s nothing as creepy as having a hairy neck, lol. If you can’t shave the neck using a couple mirrors, ask a family member to help between haircuts.
8: Keeping An Overgrown Back Hair
Most guys think that as they can’t reach or see their back hair, it actually doesn’t mean anything. I assure you that as soon as your shirt comes off, especially when you’re at a Beach Party, it would mean a lot to people who are seeing it.
You can take ask your partner or a family member to help shave it off for you.
9. Getting Rid Of Too Much of Your Body Hairs
Some men would prefer having hairs here and there on their body while some men on the other hand likes it more smooth.
As this is entirely up to your kind of lifestyle, majority of men would agree that you shouldn’t go extra when it comes to getting rid of hairs on your body.
Looking too smooth as a man is most likely to be considered not masculine nor attractive. Parts like legs, chest, and arms are places where hairs are expected to be seen on a man, but trim them a little when they grow thicker.
10. Using Too Much Hair Product
Using too much hair products would make your hair look as if you were dunked in a tub filled with grease. To perfect your look, you have to find a balance between style and the use of products.
If your hair isn’t so great, trim it down to a more appealing level, or use a gel to hold it in place.
By doing so, you will use less products and spend less time in the bathroom.
11. Making Use Of Poor Quality Products
Your overall appearance is affected directly by the products you use. That’s more reason why you should be careful when it comes to what you apply on your body.
Poor quality products makes your hair sticky, dries out your skin and ruins your whole look.
Do a look through at the products you have right now and get rid of those ones that hasn’t been able to perform what it’s label says.
While you would want to go straight ahead to using your newly bought products, it is essential that you do a patch test first on a small area of your skin; this way you can tell if it’s going to cause any irritation on your skin. (I recommend Beardcare - All Natural Products)
12. Failing To Drink Enough Water Daily
Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it is made up mostly of water. To keep it healthy, you should always replenish it’s water as much as you can daily.
Your skin would appear dry, flaky, wrinkled, and not only that; you are hurting organs in your body when you fail to drink enough water daily.
13. Waxing Your Eyebrows
There is actually no need to go as far as shaving off your eyebrows except you have a really good reason to. If your eyebrows is bushy use a trimmer to thin them out and do not wax them.
Just run your beard trimmer in a lower setting over the eyebrows and they will look perfect.
14. The Wild Nose and Ear Hair
Nose and hair hair isn’t attractive and it makes you look unkempt. Just buy a shaver that has both nose and ear trimmer attachments and clear these areas.
15. Clear The Unibrow
Avoid allowing your eyebrows connect. Lol, no one likes a unibrow.
Get hold of a tweezers and start yanking out these middle hairs connecting your eyebrows together till they can be distinguished as two different eyebrows.
16. Keeping The Same Haircut
It’s time to get yourself a haircut change if you have not changed it since high school. Lol I’m serious, getting a new haircut is like molding a new appearance and in a way this boosts confidence.
17: Keeping Dirty Uncut Nails
Keeping dirty overgrown nails can ruin your appearance. Even for the beat looking and groomed men, your hands will always be in focus because you would shake hands. (Except these times now that we are in the COVID-19 season of course) hold glasses and plates or make gestures. That’s why you should keep them neat and clipped short.
Do not cut them too short as that can be very painful, then clean them under the edge. Making use of a tooth brush and soap can work in keeping your nails dirty free. Scrub your fingers with it few minutes every four or six weeks.
18. Body Odor
As a human being you will often swear and experience off putting smells. Some men would make the mistakes and end up buying products that don’t work.
It’s essential to use unscented beard care products, wash your body with a mild soap and use a very good roll on (Any men’s roll-on by “Nivea” is a good choice)
19. Using Too Much Cologne
An excellent addition to your grooming routine would be to always apply cologne, but be careful not to over use it as overusing it will make you smell like you were soaked in it, which could be too strong for people around you. It’s enough to walk through a mist of one spray.
20. Having Rough Feet and Hand Skin
Even though some men think it’s so alpha to have strong or dry palms, well i’m sure sometimes you would have noticed that it can feel pretty awkward when you shake hands with someone.
It may look and feel alpha to you but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care for your hands and feet at all. On the contrary, that excess skin should be taken care of as soon as possible.
You can fix it by taking a hot shower to make your skin softer, dry it off and use a big nail file to remove the calluses.
If these grooming mistakes are eliminated from your life, i bet you would start to notice that the world would perceive you differently. Good news is this doesn’t take time and can be incorporated in your everyday lifestyle!
Got more grooming mistakes, or we missed any? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.